
Répercussions sur les soldats et civils

Leçon 8: la guerre de 1812

Les élèves identifieront diverses perspectives de la guerre de 1812 et afin de mieux comprendre les répercussions de la guerre sur le soldat moyen.

Ethical Dilemmas

Lesson 9: War of 1812

Students learn how to avoid using present values to evaluate the negative aspects of the War of 1812.

Dilemmes éthiques

Leçon 9: la guerre de 1812

Les élèves examineront la question de l’utilisation des valeurs actuelles pour évaluer les aspects négatifs de la guerre de 1812 en examinant des sources primaires.

Unit Wrap-Up: Continuity and Change and the War of 1812

Lesson 10: War of 1812

Students consider how continuity and change have been demonstrated through the various interpretations of War of 1812 over the last 200 years.

Récapitulation de l’unité : continuité et changement et la guerre de 1812

Leçon 10: la guerre de 1812

Les élèves établiront comment la continuité et le changement ont été illustrés au moyen de diverses interprétations de la guerre de 1812 au cours des 200 dernières années.

Historical Significance of General Brock, Part 1

Lesson 11: War of 1812

Students explore how historical significance is established through a topical activity on 2012 Olympians.

Historical Significance of General Brock, Part 2

Lesson 12: War of 1812

Students explore why General Sir Isaac Brock is considered to be historically significant, and wrestle with whether or not he should be.

A Soldier’s Diet

Lesson 13: War of 1812

Students explore the food and daily life of soldiers during the War of 1812 and make comparisons to Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan.

Monuments and Memorials

Lesson 14: War of 1812

Students reflect on who and what has been memorialized about the War of 1812, and are challenged to create a memorial that aligns with the criteria for historical significance.

Battle of Chateauguay

Lesson 15: War of 1812

Students consider how the Battle of Chateauguay is unique and has the potential to be considered a defining moment in building Canadian identity during the War of 1812.
